Wind Mitigation Inspection

What is "Wind Mitigation" and Why do I need it?
Wind mitigation is the process of adding features to your home that help withstand or increase resistance to high winds caused by a major storm or hurricane.
Homeowners can receive substantial credits for outfitting their homes with windstorm mitigation features that withstand or are more resistant to high winds.
We highly recommend that Florida homeowners, especially those living in more hurricane-prone regions to consider investing in wind mitigation features
Why do Florida Homeowners Need it?
According to the Florida Division of Emergency Management,15% – 70% of home insurance premiumsin Florida can be attributed to wind-damage risk. While there is an upfront cost involved, outfitting your home with wind mitigation features can result in significant long-term savings.
In addition to saving you money, mitigating your home against severe weather can also protect your family in the event of a major storm. Installing hurricane shutters on your windows or hurricane straps on your roof reduces the risk of flying debris penetrating your home and putting your family in danger.